While you should always be making sure that your dog is eating a diet mainly made up of foods in their doggy repertoire, sometimes they deserve a good treat to say ‘good dog!’ and while doggy treats are great, switching it up with something different can be nice.
If you want to know the things that you eat which Fido can also eat, you are in the right place.
You should be thinking about what your pup can and cannot have. Some human treats are toxic for dogs, chocolate itself is known as being a big ‘no-go’ but then, so is all candy, so what can Fido eat?
Can Fido Eat This?
If you want to share your treats with Fido, this is the place to be. Wondering if you can give Fido some ice cream when you have some, look here https://petdt.com/can-my-dog-eat-vanilla-ice-cream/ but for everything else, stick with us, because we have a list of the things you and Fido can share!
#1. Peanut Butter
There is some controversy around peanut butter, but technically Fido can have it, however, you best be giving the packaging a good stare down.
Peanut butter is a favorite for many dogs, and it is a good source of protein, with healthy fats, vitamin E, niacin, as well as vitamin B. It can also be great if you have a Kong dog toy, stuff the peanut butter inside and watch Fido have a good play for hours!
However, you need to make sure you use raw and unsalted peanut butter for Fido, and avoid sugar-free or lite peanut butters as these have artificial sweeteners.
Stay away from anything that has ‘xylitol’ in them as this is exceptionally toxic to dogs. As long as the peanut butter does not contain this, Fido can eat away!
#2. Yogurt
Yogurt also makes for another lovely dog treat, you can also pop this into your dog’s Kong dog toy. It is high in protein and in calcium, so it is a great option for canine treats.
Choose yogurts with active bacteria as it can act as a probiotic and give your doggies digestive system a boost.
Once again, avoid yogurts with artificial sweeteners and added sugars in them. Greek yogurt is an option you should stay away from, as it is less lactose. As long as it is proper yogurt, go for it.
#3. Apple Slices
Apples are great for dogs, just remove the pits before you give them to your dogs. Give Fido some sliced apples for a bit of vitamin C, A and some fiber. They are great for your dogs to get that extra bit of nutrition.
They are also well known for being able to clean any residue off your dog’s teeth, so if Fido has smelly breath, apple slices might help the odor.
Just remember to remove the seeds and the core of the apple, as both of these can serve as a choking hazard and no one wants that!
Note: Most fruits are okay for dogs, but avoid any that have pits like peaches, cherries and so on. These pits contain cyanide and are poisonous/ toxic to dogs when ingested.
#4. Watermelon
Much like with apples, if you want to share some watermelon with your dog, you will want to take out the seeds first, the seeds can cause intestinal blockage, so make sure you get every last one of them.
Watermelons make for a delicious and tasty treat, and are especially good in the summer to help keep your dog cool, and it is also something different for them.
If you can get some molds, take out the seeds and mush up the watermelon, pop it in a mold and make a doggie ice pop. It will keep them cool, keep them hydrated, and it will taste great.
Make one for yourself while you’re at it too!
#5. Pumpkin
Is it coming up to Halloween and you have some pumpkin leftover? No worries, you and Fido can both enjoy this! It is good for you and good for Fido too. It has plenty of fatty acids which will help with their skin and their coat.
Pumpkin is also a natural antioxidant and has many minerals in it, so it is great for digestion. So, it’s often put in high-quality dog foods.
In fact, if you have a dog (or even a cat) that is having trouble going to the restroom, give them a bit of pumpkin, and they may soon feel better.