Bubblers: What Are They and Different Designs Available

The sale of legalized marijuana has been on the rise in recent years, with more and more states approving its use. Flower/plant-type marijuana consists of 54.21 percent of cannabis distribution in the American market. With the rise in sales, there has also been an increase in the popularity of smoking devices and accessories. 

Bubblers have become a popular choice for water pipes over the last few years. But what are they? And how many types and designs are available? Read on to know more.

What are Bubblers?

They are water pipes that use a percolator to diffuse and cool the smoke. It makes for a smoother smoking experience. 

The components are explained below:

-The bowl is where you put your dry herbs.

-The downstem is a small tube that goes from the bowl to the percolator.

-The percolator is a chamber filled with water that diffuses and cools the smoke.

Steps to Use a Bubbler

To use this accessory, fill the chamber with water to submerge the bowl. Then, pack your material into the bowl and apply heat. Inhale slowly and steadily until you’ve achieved the desired effect.

Some crucial tips:

– Don’t pack the bowl too tightly. It will make it harder to draw air through the device and pull water up into the mouthpiece.

– If you find that water is being pulled up into the mouthpiece, try tilting the accessory slightly so that less water is covering the bowl.

– Be patient when taking your first few hits. It may take a little practice to get the hang of it, but you’ll be glad you made the switch from smoking once you do.

Types of Bubblers

1. Standard

These are the most common ones you will find. They have a small bowl for your dry herb and a stem that goes down into the water. The water helps to cool the smoke as it comes up through the stem and into your mouth.

There are many different designs of standard bubblers, from simple, clear glass tubes to more intricate blown glass pieces.

2. Mini Bubbler

A mini bubbler is perfect if you want a small and discreet accessory. These are usually made out of Pyrex glass, and they come in different colors. You can find one that has percolators or diffusers.

The main advantage of a mini smoking device is that it is easy to carry around. You can put it in your pocket or purse and take it wherever you go. Another advantage is that they are usually very affordable. It is an excellent option if you are on a budget.

3. A-Frame

It is a basic and most common type of accessory that you will see. It has a bowl on one side for your dry herbs, and the other side has a carb. The entire pipe is shaped like an ‘A’ hence the name.

These pipes are simple, easy to use, and require minimal maintenance. You can find them in different colors, sizes, and designs.

4. Corn Cob Pipe

These are pipes that are made from corn cobs. They have a very rustic look and feel to them. The classic corn cob pipe is the most common design. It is simply a cob of corn with a stem sticking out of it.

Some corn cob pipes even have multiple stems coming out of them so that you can smoke more than one person at a time.

5. Clay Pipes

Another type of smoking accessory is the clay pipe. These pipes have been around for centuries and were initially used by the Native Americans. Clay pipes are still popular today because they’re affordable and easy to find.


Bubblers are the best of both worlds. They offer the portability of a hand pipe with the filtration of a bong.

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